On August, 8th, 2011 in Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services there has passed presentation of the project «Development of clearing constructions of the water drain of...
By the invitation of the company of LLC «AdmirEurasia» (Russian Federation) from August, 31st till September, 1st, 2011 experts RSE «Gosexpertiza», and also representatives of Department of energy and municipal services of...
On September, 1st, 2011 in Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services has passed presentation of the project «Reconstruction of existing pumping-filtering station (PFS)...
ПЕРЕЧЕНЬ предпроектной, проектной (проектно-сметной) документации, находящейся на рассмотрении в ДГП "Жамбылгосэкспертиза" (по состоянию на "30" августа 2011 года)
On August, 26th, 2011 public discussion of the project of Technical regulations of Eurasian Economic Community took place in city Almaty «Safety of buildings and constructions, building materials and products».
On August, 25th, 2011 in Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services representation of the working draft «Reconstruction of systems of water supply and water removal of...
On August, 19th, 2011 in RSE "Gosexpertiza" is lead presentation of LLC «Trubokomplekt», official representative Research and production association «STREAM» (Russian Federation) on application of special materials and...
On August, 18th, 2011 the presentation of the equipment design took place in Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services «Liquidation of the store of sewage «Taldykol» with...
According to the plan of work RSE «Gosexpertiza» for 2011 on increase of efficiency and quality of carrying out of state expertise, perfection of methodological base, and also participation in realization «Programs of...
In execution of legal decisions of the Government of Republic of Kazakhstan RSE «Gosexpertiza» carries out constant monitoring the Kazakhstan maintenance under civil-engineering designs presented on examination.
RSE «...
The presentation of the technical - economic feasibility on August, 11th, 2011 took place in Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services «New transport system of Astana. The...
12 августа 2011 года в Городском доме культуры г.Семей прошло торжественное собрание, посвященное профессиональному празднику – Дню строителя, на котором были особо отмечены и награждены отличившиеся работники сферы...
On August, 12th, 2011 in Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services has passed the solemn assembly, devoted to a professional holiday - Day of the builder on which the...
В рамках программы повышения квалификации сотрудников РГП «Госэкспертиза» на 2011 год с 8 по 9 августа текущего года в городе Астане был проведен республиканский семинар-обучение на тему «Разработка и внедрение системы...
Within the limits of the program of improvement of professional skill of employees RSE «Gosexpertiza» for 2011 from August, 8 till August, 9th 2011 year in the city of Astana has been lead a republican seminar-training on a...
Within the framework of the program of professional development of the RSE "Gosexpertiza" staff for 2011, from August 8 to 9, 2011, in Astana, a republican training seminar was held on the theme "Development and...