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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84


According to the Report of meeting at the Prime-Minister of Republic of Kazakhstan from March, 18th, 2007 the decision on realization and the further development of the conceptual project, G4 City on which, along a highway...
In celebration of the international holiday «Older people's day» Southern branch of RSE «Gosexpertiza» congratulated and provided charity sponsorships to Public Relief Fund for older and disabled people.
28 сентября 2011 года специалисты филиала ДГП «Востокгосэкспертиза» в г.Семей провели семинар для студентов специальности «Строительство» и «Производство строительных материалов» Семипалатинского государственного...
В соответствий с программой повышения квалификации сотрудников филиала ДГП «Востокгосэкспертиза» в г.Семей, 26-27 сентября 2011 года в г.Усть-Каменогорск состоялся семинар с участием специалиста филиала по госзакупкам на...
According to the plan of work RSE «Gosexpertiza» for 2011 on increase of efficiency and quality of carrying out of examination, perfection of methodological base of expert activity and within the limits of realization of...
In Republican state enterprise «Gosexpertiza» the Festival, devoted to Day of languages of people of Kazakhstan on September, 22nd, 2011 has been lead. In Festival which took place in capital Kazakh is musical-drama theatre...
Сотрудники филиала приняли активное участие в фестивале «Тілге құрмет-елге құрмет», посвященному Дню языков народов Казастана, проходивший в г.Астана 21 сентября 2011 года. По итогам фестиваля ДГП «Кызылордгосэкспертиза»...
Казахстанская Правда, среда 28 сентября 2011года № 312.
On September 22, 2011, the employees of the State Enterprise "Kostanaygosekspertiza" took an active part in the Festival "Тілге құрмет-елге құрмет", dedicated to the Day of Languages of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, in Astana,...
Experts RSE «Gosexpertiza», and also representatives of some the design organizations of Republic of Kazakhstan have visited the city of Barcelona (Spain) where have familiarized with modern technologies on construction and...
On September, 23rd, 2011 in Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services there has passed presentation of the Technical-economic feasibility «Construction new heat source in...
According to the program of improvement of professional skill of employees RSE «Gosexpertiza», the seminar was held with participation of specialists - experts of Headquarter, territorial divisions RSE «Gosexpertiza» and...
В Республиканском государственном предприятии «Госэкспертиза» 22 сентября 2011 года проведен Фестиваль, посвященный Дню языков народов Казахстана.
On September, 13th, 2011 in Astana there has passed scientifically-practical conference «New methods and tools of increase of productivity and efficiency of management systems in organizations» which organizer have acted as...
RSE «Gosexpertiza» considers the technical - economic feasibility (TEF) by the combined variant of new transport system the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana. The technical - economic feasibility is developed by Almaty...
September 16, 2011 in DGP "Kostanaygosexpertiza" a seminar was held on the topic "BASF Products", with the participation of representatives of "BASF Central Asia" LLP: Almaz Serikbay, Mirzhan Baskanbaeva, Adlet Akhmetov,...
On September, 15th, 2011 in Agency on affairs of construction and housing and communal services of Republic of Kazakhstan have been considered materials on updating the technical - economic feasibility «Construction of...
On September, 12-13th, 2011 at exit meeting concerning construction of the Koksarai conterregulator with participation of the customer SI «Kazselezaschita» of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Republic of Kazakhstan,...
Карагандинской области на ремонт и содержание автодорог областного значения в 2011 году выделено более 4 млрд. тенге, в том числе из республиканского бюджета - около 2,5 млрд. тенге. Эти финансовые показатели озвучены...