On September, 1st, 2011 in Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services has passed presentation of the project «Reconstruction of existing pumping-filtering station (PFS) productivity 200,0 thousand m3/day in Astana»
The customer: «Department of energy and municipal services of Astana».
The general designer: LLC «Kurylysexpertproekt».
Now this project is considered in RSE «Gosexpertiza».
Reconstruction PFS is provided under the program «Reconstruction, construction and modernization of systems of water supply and water removal of city of Astana», approved on September, 30th, 2005 by the decision of Maslikhat of Astana city.
Existing PFS has capacity of 100,0 thousand м3/day. The project stipulates its expansion with construction of new constructions on 200,0 thousand м3/day. In total after reconstruction productivity PFS will make 300,0 thousand м3/day.
The basic purpose of reconstruction PFS - the complex decision of questions of increase of productivity of station with application of the modern process equipment for clearing and disinfecting of water, application of the automated control systems by technological process and a quality monitoring, allowing to make the potable water meeting all modern sanitary-and-hygienic and sanitary-and-epidemiologic requirements, and also requirements on chemical and organoleptic parameters. At designing the existing classical scheme of clearing with maximal use of existing capacitor constructions and modernization of each of stages of clearing is accepted.
By results of consideration by experts RSE «Gosexpertiza» are given to the customer and general designer to the recommendation on maximal use in the working draft of materials, products and the equipment, let out by the Kazakhstan manufacturers.