On August, 26th, 2011 public discussion of the project of Technical regulations of Eurasian Economic Community took place in city Almaty «Safety of buildings and constructions, building materials and products».
The technical regulations of obligatory application in the countries EurAsEC is developed with a view of integration of normative safety requirements during construction and operation of buildings and constructions, manufacture and applications of safe building materials and products. With introduction in action of the given Technical regulation corresponding national regulations of the states EvrAzEC will become invalid.
In work of a public forum, led by the deputy chairman of Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services D.Akimzhanov attended by deputy akim of Almaty V.Dolzhenkov, deputy akim of Almaty region A.Batalov, leaders and representatives of the RSE «KazNIISSA» and the RSE «Gosexpertiza» Union of Architects of Kazakhstan, a number of specialized research and project institutes, construction companies and construction industry enterprises.
After active discussion have been formulated a number of remarks and offers which till September, 20th of current year will be in details proved and officially presented to Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services are fulfilled.
Also on September, 2nd, 2011 carrying out in the city of Astana of the next roundtable discussion of the project of Technical regulation EurAsEC «Safety of buildings and constructions, building materials and products» is planned.