According to the plan of work RSE «Gosexpertiza» for 2011 on increase of efficiency and quality of carrying out of state expertise, perfection of methodological base, and also participation in realization «Programs of modernization of housing and communal services of Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020», approved by the governmental of the Republic of Kazakhstan order from April, 30th, 2011 №473, in May, 2011 the information-methodical manual «About preparation of the documentation for carrying out of state expertise of projects on major overhaul (reconstruction, modernization) residential buildings» is let out.
This manual is intended for rendering assistance to customers and designers by preparation of materials for submitting for examination of state expertise.
The manual contains the description of the basic pre -and post-design procedures, samples of registration of applications, and also assignments about delegation to the developer of the project of functions of the customer of expert works, structure and the maintenance of the building passport both other obligatory and recommendatory data necessary for carrying out of examination on major overhaul, reconstruction or modernization of existing residential buildings.