По приглашению директора Казахстанского многопрофильного института Реконструкции и Развития (КазМИРР) при Карагандинском государственном техническом университете (КарГТУ) специалисты госэкспертизы 1 декабря 2011 года приняли...
ДГП "Карагандагосэкспертиза" сообщает, что на предприятии действует телефон доверия, по которому можно обратиться с жалобами, заявлениями, сообщениями по поводу неправомерных действий, неэтичного поведения со стороны...
At New Year party with Santa Claus takes part, Snow Maiden, characters, fairy tales, attended by children of employees of the Southern Branch and were invited the children of low income families. All children received a New...
During from December, 15 till December, 19th, 2011 in capital of the Czech Republic the city of Prague has been held a seminar on training experts to modern methods of calculations and designing of road clothes and...
By the invitation of director of the Kazakhstan multidisciplinary institute of Reconstruction and Development (KazMIRD) at the Karaganda State Technical University experts RSE «Gosexpertiza» on December, 1st, 2011 have taken...
At event attended by representatives of Construction Management, Urban Planners Union of Kazakhstan, the Union of Energy and Veteran, Builders Association of Kazakhstan. Employees of the Southern Branch were presented with...
Руководство ДГП "Запгосэкспертиза" поздравляет своих работников и коллег, а также заказчиков и всех казахстанцев с Днем Независимости Республики Казахстан! Желаем Вам крепкого здоровья, благополучия, счастья и творческих...
On December, 5 6th, 2011 in the Palace of Independence there have passed Innovative forum and the exhibition of innovative projects dated for the 20 anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan which were visited by employees...
On December, 2nd, 2011 in microdistrict Nursat of Shymkent solemnly openly new office building ASE «Yuzhgosexpertiza». The new office is erected and completely technically completed due to own means of the enterprise.
Urban Development Planners Union of Kazakhstan in 2011, noted 10-year anniversary of the organization and holds an annual exhibition of architecture and urban planning seminar «Urban Development Forum in Kazakhstan»....
In the end of May, 2011 in capital of Kazakhstan the city of Astana has passed XXXI session of Intergovernmental Cooperation Council in building activity of the CIS countries.
Next XXXII session of Intergovernmental Council...
The event was attended by representatives of over twenty organizations, enterprises of Almaty and the media: Newspaper «Building», National magazine «StroyBiznes», magazine «Сonstruction industry».
The participants were...
The expanded meeting of board of Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services on November 24, 2011 took place, in which work representatives of again formed territorial...
The expanded meeting of board of Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services on November 24, 2011 took place, in which work representatives of again formed territorial...
Сегодня в Караганде с участием Президента Нурсултана Назарбаева был запущен завод по выпуску сельскохозяйственных самолетов Фермер-500 ТОО "КазАвиаСпектр".
Стоимость проекта составляет 1,6 мрд. тенге, в том числе 202 млн...