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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84


          The republican state enterprise “State out of departmental project examination”  under the Commitee of construction and housing and communal services under the Ministry...
ДГП "Запгосэкспертиза" поздравляет милых женщин с 8 Марта!
В рамках реализации программы по поддержанию и развитию государственного языка...
          In  the  beginning  of February, 2008  under  the  invitation  of LLC «HERTZ - Kazakhstan», being  official   representation...
Now in Gosexpertiza act the projects on construction of objects and the complexes sold due to the branch program "Potable water" for 2002-2010 years, one of which primary tasks is decrease of one cubic metre of submitted...
          According to from places, in 2007 the system of Gosexpertiza as a whole on republic considers 11220 units of the documentation on construction that has made 104 % in...
В 2007 году ДГП "Запгосэкспертиза" рассмотрено 706 единиц документации на строительство, из которых рекомендованы к утверждению - 685 единиц. При этом 89,74% от общего количества представленной документации приходились на...
          With a view of construction of uniform information space in the field of state expert appraisal of projects and the further automation of activity of the enterprise, for 2008...
ASE “Zapgosexpertiza” first of territorial divisions RSE "Gosexpertiza" has confirmed conformity introduced in activity of the enterprise of system of a quality management to requirements of quality standards ISO 9001. At...
          Within the limits of introduction of system of the quality management corresponding requirements of domestic and international quality standards ISO 9001 on all system RSE "...
          For the period, from January till September, 2007 system RSE "Gosexpertiza" (on republic) are examined 8 329 units of the documentation on construction, from them are...
          From October, 9 till October, 13th, 2007 14-th World congress and the Exhibition took place in capital Peoples Republic of China Pekin city on modern intellectual transport...
        RSE "Gosexpertiza" informs on modification and additions in some normative legal acts and about the statement of new normative and technical documents in sphere of architecture, town-...
From September, 17 till September, 21st, 2007 in Paris, recognized by one of the world centers of neourbanism, 23-rd world road congress initiated by the International Organization of the Road congresses (PIARC), objectively...
        With a view of increase of efficiency and quality of expert works and maintenance of expert structure RSE "Gosexpertiza" (Gosexpertiza) by the necessary information on high technologies...
По результатам сертификационного аудита, проведённого 27-28 августа 2007 года, система менеджмента качества ISO 9001:2000, внедрённая на предприятии, сертифицирована ТОО «Центр сертификации «InterCert» (сертификат...