Now in Gosexpertiza act the projects on construction of objects and the complexes sold due to the branch program "Potable water" for 2002-2010 years, one of which primary tasks is decrease of one cubic metre of submitted water by introduction of new technologies and materials in construction, and also perfection of systems of clearing and preparation of a potable water.
With a view of studying the international experience of technologies on clearing of waste water, employees of Gosexpertiza together with LLC "Company " Munay Ecology » in December, 2007 have visited the city-state of Singapore where have familiarized with technology on additional cleaning run-off waters.
Within the limits of a trip excursion on station on additional cleaning run-off waters by productivity 148 thousand cube m./days. The given station has been constructed in 2006 with application modern diaphragms of technologies which structure includes following technological processes: process of processing by reticular filters, a microfiltration, a return osmosis and ultra-violet raying.
After additional cleaning about 30 % of volume of the cleared drains pass additional clearing for subsequent use of the cleared water for drinking needs, other volume are used in other purposes (mainly with a view of provision of the enterprises of the semi-conductor industry).