With a view of increase of efficiency and quality of expert works and maintenance of expert structure RSE "Gosexpertiza" (Gosexpertiza) by the necessary information on high technologies in the field of designing from August, 23 till August, 24th, 2007 in the city of Astana passed a republican seminar - training with participation of experts on sections of engineering networks of Headquarters plant and all territorial divisions of Gosexpertiza.
At the given seminar problem questions both often meeting lacks and defects in the design decisions, examinations of sections of a heat supply arising at carrying out, water supply and the water drain, heating and ventilation, electric networks and systems have been discussed.
During a seminar for participants the round-table discussion, devoted to discussion of the practical questions connected with use in examined projects of high technologies and the newest equipment on engineering networks and systems has been organized. With presentations of production representatives of known foreign firms - manufacturers of the engineering equipment (HERZ, GRUNDFOS, IMI International) have acted.
Results of interrogation of participants have shown, that the seminar was substantial, has passed at a good level and has caused the big interest in experts to modern methods of designing and construction of engineering networks. Participants have unanimously supported necessity of the organization of new thematic seminars similar to the past.