RSE "Gosexpertiza" informs on modification and additions in some normative legal acts and about the statement of new normative and technical documents in sphere of architecture, town-planning and construction.
So, by the governmental order of Republic of Kazakhstan from September, 11th, 2007 #791 have been made additions and changes to Rules of carrying out of examination predesign (technical - economic substantiations (TES)) and design, design - budget documentation on construction irrespective of sources of financing, and also the statement of the projects which are under construction due to the state investments, approved by the governmental order the Republic of Kazakhstan from August, 19th, 2002 #918.
Besides, the authorized organ on affairs of architecture, town-planning and construction approves the following normative - technical documentation:
1) Building norms & rules (BN&R) RK 1.02-01-2007 "Instruction on the order of development, the coordination and the statement and structure of the design documentation on constructions» (the order of Committee of construction and housing and communal services under The Ministry of industry and trade of Republic of Kazakhstan from August, 8th, 2007 #284) - is put into operation since October, 1st, 2007 in exchange before worked (BN&R) RK A. 2-2-1-2001.
2) Building rules (BR) RK of 1.02-21-2007" Rules of development, the coordination, and structure of TES on construction» (the order of Committee of construction and housing and communal services under The Ministry of industry and trade of Republic of Kazakhstan from May, 29th, 2007 #163) - is put into operation since August, 1st, 2007 in exchange before the worked BR 11-101-95.