According to the Report of meeting at the Prime-Minister of Republic of Kazakhstan from March, 18th, 2007 the decision on realization and the further development of the conceptual project, G4 City on which, along a highway of Almaty - Kapshagay was accepted, should be designed and four cities-satellites should be constructed.
Project G4 City is directed on ordering and an effective utilization of potential of ground, labor, industrial and other resources of Almaty area and city Almaty. Necessity of construction of city - satellite Gate City is caused by sharp deterioration of an ecological situation and overpopulation of city Almaty. The construction of city - satellite Gate City becomes the first stage in realization of project G4 City.
On September, 29th, 2011 in Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services there has passed presentation of the technical – economic feasibility «Water supply and water removal» Gate City cities-satellites in Almaty area.
Customer: SI «Department of construction of Ili district of Almaty area»
General designer: LLC «G-4 City» Almaty
Also within the limits of the technical-economic feasibility two working projects have been considered:
1. Main waterpipe. 1-turn. The purposes of the project are:
Reliable maintenance of consumers of projected city with system of the centralized water supply;
As much as possible full satisfaction of needs of the population and industrial sphere in the water corresponding quality of state standard «Water drinking», including maintenance internal and external fire fighting;
Maintenance of the enterprises of heatpower system - technical water by construction of a complex of water-intaking constructions, water-purifying and main ring networks of economic-fire-prevention and technical waterpipes.
2. Main networks of the water drain and SPS. 1-th turn.
Construction of systems of water removal in structure of: the main sewer networks, sewer pump stations, sewer clearing constructions full biological clearing will allow:
On-line to allocate economic - household and close to them on structure the industrial sewage formed in city, on clearing constructions of full biological clearing;
To prevent an opportunity of negative ecological influence of sewage on sources of water supply;
To provide sanitary - epidemiological well-being of the population of city;
To use the cleared sewage on having watered road coverings and other technical needs.