February 19, 2013 in JSC "Kazakh Vodokanalproekt" held a meeting which was attended by the president of JSC "Kazakh Vodokanalproekt" Valiev R.M, head of Strategic Development Cheprasov S., Deputy Head of General "Management...
14-15 February 2013 at the Palace of Sports " Zhastar " held a table tennis tournament among government agencies and planning organizations, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the opening of the territorial division of RSE...
29 января в г.Астане в Агентстве по делам строительства и жилищно-коммунального хозяйства состоялось совещание, посвященное развитию жилищного строительства в Республике Казахстан, с участием специалистов-конструкторов РГП «...
At the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Construction and Housing and Communal Services on January 29, 2013, a seminar was held with the participation of designers from all RSE Gosekspertiza. The meeting was held...
From January, 22 till January, 25th, 2013 under the invitation of the company «JURОNG Consultants» in structure of the Kazakhstan delegation the working trip of experts RSE "Gosexpertiza" to Singapore took place.
The basic...
For the period 21-25 January 2013
24.01.2013 year
The issues:
On the state of expert services:
Under contract:
№ 1056 от 27.11.2012 year – RP « Цater meters Kapchagai HPP JSC "AlES» » (contract №1056)
(Chimbayev N.N.,...
18 января 2013 года в городе Астана прошел Республиканский семинар-совещание по вопросам реализации отраслевой программы питьевого водоснабжения «Ақ бұлақ» на 2011-2020 годы с участием начальников производственных отделов и...
Heads of the Almaty Akimat Tourism Administration, “Kokzhailau Ski Resort” Company, developers of the Feasibility study project, experts and specialists from concerned agencies as well as representatives of public,...
On January, 18th, 2013 in RSE "Gosexpertiza" the republican seminar-meeting concerning realization of the sectoral program of drinking water supply «Ak bulak» for 2011-2020 took place. Experts have taken part in work of a...
В г.Астана 18 января 2013 года в конференц-зале РГП «Госэкспертиза» состоялся республиканский семинар-совещание по вопросам реализации отраслевой программы питьевого водоснабжения «Ақ бұлақ» на 2011-2020 годы.
В работе...
On January, 3-7rd, 2013 the working trip of experts RSE "Gosexpertiza” to the city of Seoul (South Korea) under the invitation of company "KPMK - International" with the purpose of acquaintance with features of designing and...
As requested by the Republic of Kazakhstan Agency for Construction and Housing on the formation of the proportion of local content in projects and in further improving the design and estimate documentation branch RSE "...
Полным ходом сейчас идут работы, итогом которых станет коренное изменение облика Кызылорды. В ходе пресс-тура с участием акима области Болатбека Куандыкова представители масс-медиа побывали на ряде строящихся объектов,...
On the eve of Day of Independence of the country the Decree of the President of Republic of Kazakhstan greater group of citizens for the significant contribution to social and economic and cultural development of the country...
On November, 22nd, 2012 at 152-nd session of General assembly of the International bureau of exhibitions on results of voting capital of Kazakhstan Astana the overwhelming majority of voices has been selected by a place of...
On November 15, 2012 workshop and meeting on the topic “Carrying out the state examination of construction projects in expert appraisal mode and quality of design” was arranged by Affiliated Branch of the RSE “Gosexpertiza”...
On November, 14-16th, 2012 in city Almaty has passed a seminar on a theme: «Modern methods of designing, construction and operation of transmission lines and electric substations», organized by the Union energy engineers of...
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16 ноября в 17:00 в здании Областного Акимата Карагандинской области будет проведено совещание по вопросам проведения государственной экспертизы проектов строительства в режиме экспертного сопровождения.