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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

Republican seminar «Energy savings and energy efficiency in development of the design-budget documentation of apartment houses»

Republican seminar «Energy savings  and energy efficiency in development of the design-budget documentation of apartment houses»

On November, 22nd, 2012 at 152-nd session of General assembly of the International bureau of exhibitions on results of voting capital of Kazakhstan Astana the overwhelming majority of voices has been selected by a place of carrying out of the international exhibition «EXPO-2017». The international world's fair «EXPO-2017» with the thematic name «Energy future» will open on June, 10th, 2017 and 3 months will be prolonged.
And on November, 23rd, 2012 in RSE "Gosexpertiza" at held a republican seminar «Energy savings and energy efficiency in development of the design-budget documentation of apartment houses». The seminar has been organized within the limits of realization of the Project Development Programme (UNDP) in Kazakhstan and the Global Ecological Fund (GEF) at support of the Project by the Government of Republic of Kazakhstan.
In work of seminar have taken part the international experts of Institute of dwelling NIPTIS of a name of Ataev (Minsk, Belarus), scientific research institute of building physics (Moscow, Russia), managers of project UNDP/GEF on energy conservation to construction. Experts of the territorial divisions RSE "Gosexpertiza", the invited representatives participated in a seminar of some the design organizations, and also customers (managers of budgetary programs) and suppliers of building materials, the equipment and technologies.
With the reports describing modern lines in the decision of questions energy savings and energy efficiency at designing of residential buildings, have acted the manager of project UNDP/GEF Abylkairova B. (Astana), dr.sci.tech., the professor, corresponding member RAASN Gagarin V.G. (Moscow), the first deputy director of Institute of dwelling NIPTIS. Danilevski L.N. (Minsk).
At a seminar specialists of Department of expertise of RSE "Gosexpertiza" also have acted: head of a department architecturally-planning department Strigina N., head of a department of engineering networks and constructions Zaichenko N.I. and head of a department of electric networks and constructions Kalelov Z.K.
The seminar has noted, that questions of maintenance energy efficiency the future objects during designing are the most actual in the decision of the problems facing to authorized state bodies in the field of architecture and construction of the countries, entering in the Customs Union.