Representatives of the branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" in Kostanay region were invited to the seminar, which will be held on November 28, 2012 at 10-00 in Kostanay, the hotel "Tselinnaya". At the seminar will be presented new...
В филиале РГП «Госэкспертиза» по ВКО под председательством директора филиала Салимова Б.Я. 08.11.2012г. проведено совещание по вопросам исполнения Приказа Агентства РК по делам строительства ЖКХ от 23 июля 2012года №356 «Об...
The issues:
2. On the state of expert work on feasibility study: "Construction of the Visitor Center of the State Historical and Cultural and Natural Reserve Museum" Tamgaly "s.Karabastau in Zhambyl region of Almaty oblast...
The issues
1. On the state of expert papers on the working project "Construction of multifunctional residential complex" Premiere "in Karasai District Almatins Coy area. Construction of water supply (loopback)" (0917...
Through the further improve the process of development of design estimates documentation and of expert activity branch of RSE "Gosekspertiza" in Almaty region 8 November 2012 a seminar on "The practice of legislation in the...
From October, 22 till October, 31st, 2012 the delegation of Kazakhstan in structure of workers of Agency RK on affairs of construction and housing and communal services, RSE «Gosexpertiza» and building industry enterprises...
On October, 30th and 31, 2012 LLC «BITCOM SOFTware» (Almaty), together with LLC «Lira Service» (Moscow), have organized a seminar on a theme «Designing of building designs with application of programs of family Lira: Lira-...
From October, 23 till October, 30th, 2012 the working trip of experts RSE "Gosexpertiza" in structure of the Kazakhstan delegation under the invitation company "Ausenko" (Australia) with the purpose of acquaintance with...
On October, 23-25rd, 2012 experts RSE «Gosexpertiza» have taken part in a seminar-meeting of «Perspectives of the Kazakhstan electromechanical engineering», the lead JSC «Kentau Transformer plant» in Kentau of the South-...
From 11 to 21 October 2012 experts RSE «Gosexpertiza» have taken part in working visit of six European countries with the purpose of acquaintance and a choice of modern technologies of sewage treatment.
В последние годы в Шиелийском районе активно идет строительство социально значимых объектов. Некоторые из них, например, новые здания средних школ на 600 мест в аулах имени Н. Бекежанова и Бидайколь уже сданы в эксплуатацию...
In compliance with the approved qualification improvement program, specialists of Affiliated Branch of the RSE “Gosexpertiza” in Almaty participated in the workshop “Training of cyber security management system managers and...
Next XXXIV session of Intergovernmental Council on cooperation in construction activity of the CIS countries has been lead on October, 18-19th, 2012 in capital of the Azerbaijan Republic city Baku.
By tradition the member...
В нынешнем году капитальный ремонт в рамках программы модернизации ЖКХ проводится еще в 35 многоэтажных домах областного центра. В том числе – в доме № 16 микрорайона «Мерей», который проводит ТОО «КАИС-сервис». На...
From October, 15 till October, 18th in the city of Moscow in IEC «Crocus Expo» there has passed 3-rd International specialized exhibition-forum «Road-2012», on which builders and workers of road transport industry of the...
From October, 10 till October, 11th, 2012 in a of Dushanbe on pricing Intergovernmental Council on cooperation the next session of the Commission in building activity of the states-participants CIS took place.
Members of the...
Сотрудники филиала РГП Госэкспертиза по Кызылординской области приняли участие в семинаре проведенном в рамках представленной программы по составу участников. В ходе семинара были затронуты вопросы контроля применения в...
With a view of execution of the assignment of the Government of Republic of Kazakhstan in the city of Pavlodar under the Kazakhstan maintenance the republican seminar-meeting on October, 5-6th, 2012 took place in projects...
From September, 24 till September, 28th, 2012 in the city of St.-Petersburg has passed a seminar on a theme: «Designing, construction reconstruction of clearing constructions of economic-household and superficial sewage »,...
Филиалом РГП «Госэкспертиза» по Восточно-Казахстанской области 21 сентября 2012 года в г. Усть-Каменогорске был организован праздничный фестиваль «КРЫЛАТЫЙ ТУЛПАР» посвященный Дню языков народов Республики Казахстан .