May 30, 2014 the staff of the branch held a lecture-seminar on "Clarification of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" On Combating Corruption ".
For participation in lectures to explain the anti-corruption legislation...
The Plan staff development branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" Aktobe region in 2014, a leading expert (interpreter) of the branch participated in the seminar course on "documentation, documentation management and record keeping...
С целью повышения квалификации сотрудников, автоматизации работы экспертов по экспертизе проектов инженерной инфраструктуры, улучшения качества проводимой экспертизы в г.Астане, в головном офисе РГП «Госэкспертиза» 21-22 мая...
May 26, 2014 by decision of the management of the branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" on NKR - Director Kiseleva I. A. was organized a lecture-conversation with all the branch employees on the topic "Combating corruption in the...
On May 21 and 22, 2014, the branch's expert on water supply and sewerage took part in a national seminar on "Geoinformation technologies for creating circuits, electronic models and performing engineering calculations in the...
According to personnel policy RSE "Gosexpertiza" and training plan for 2014, May 21-22, 2014 in Astana hosted a seminar on "Geographic Information Technology to create schemes, models and electronic engineering calculations...
In RSE "Gosexpertiza" lecture on a subject "Explanation of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About fight against corruption" is given on May 23, 2014. Lecture is given by the deputy chairman of Republican social...
Филиал РГП "Кызылордагосэкспертиза" по Кызылординской области совместно с представителями компании TOO “WILO Central Asia” провели семинар презентацию продукции Wilo. В семинаре участвовали эксперты предприятия, заказчики а...
On March 3-4 the current year in Ust Kamenogorsk the zonal seminar meeting with system of electronic reception design and budget documentation on building of objects and complexes on means of a portal of www.epsd.kz, with...
Pursuant to the Plan for the phased transition office in the state language in the branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" Aktobe region and in connection with the celebration of the Day of Unity of Peoples of Kazakhstan, at the branch...
April 25, 2014 in the branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" held in Almaty festive event dedicated to "Nauryz".
Nowruz - the holiday of spring renewal, fertility and friendship, it is also a great opportunity to get acquainted with...
Регламент взаимодействия филиалов РГП "Госэкспертиза" с головным предприятием по вопросам согласования технологии, материалов и оборудования, применяемых в проектах водоснабжения, водоотведения и теплоснабжения....
On April 19, 2014 employees of RSE "Gosexpertiza" participated in a traditional premay city capital community work day.
On April 15, 2014 the meeting with heads of territorial divisions of RSE "Gosexpertiza" took place following the results of activity for the I quarter 2014 and to tasks for 2014.
The branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" in Kostanay region requires:
Head of the architectural and design expert group, leading specialist (designer), leading specialist (TGV), expert (masterplan, transport), expert (estimator, MC).
Надежность Госэкспертизы в ее прозрачности
Астана строилась, строится, и будет строиться. Будут расти новые жилые кварталы, школы, учреждения, дворцы. Каждому застройщику понадобится проектная документация, чтобы получить...
The branch of RSE "Gosexperptiza" in Kostanai oblast informs that from April 1, 2014 the service of receiving design estimates in electronic form was launched at http://epsd.kz/
Concerning the use of the Electronic Reception...
April 11, 2014 in Kostanay was the first city subbotnik on sanitary cleaning and improvement of the city.
Among the first to clean the territory of the administrative building were employees of the branch of RSE "...
Within the Program of professional development of employees, the expert of design group of production department of branch RSE "Gosexpertize" in the Aktyubinsk area participated in a seminar on the subject "Design and...