September 30, 2014 branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" in Almaty took an active part in the citywide seismic training.
At a signal from siren persons who responsible for the safety opened the main escape route and helped employees...
В филиале РГП "Госэкспертиза" по Кызылординской области был проведен аудит компанией ТОО «КазСерт». Представитель компании Саенко Сергей Петрович проверил работу филиала на предмет соответствия стандартам качества.
«Мемсараптама» РМК-ның Қызылорда облысы бойынша филиалында тілдің қолданылу аясын кеңейтіп, мәртебесін көтеру мақсатында және 22 қыркүйек – Тілдер мерекесі күні қарсаңында «Қазақ тілі» қоғамы облыстық филиалының төрағасының...
The branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" in Kostanay region requires:
specialist in receiving design estimates and regulatory support, qualification requirements: higher education (engineer-builder), business letter skills,...
Директор Нурманбетов Б.К. 10 сентября 2014 года провел совещание, где ознакомил сотрудников с основными положениями Закона Республики Казахстан от 2 июля 1998 года № 267-I О борьбе с коррупцией, о мерах предупреждения,...
Председательствовал – Жұмадiл Ж.Ш., директор филиала РГП «Госэкспертиза» по Жамбылской области.
от заказчиков:
Ахатаев А., заместитель руководителя управления строительства акимата Жамбылской области,...
One of the noteworthy events in the life of the employees of the branch of the state expertise was participation in the sports contest held in July 2014 in the training center of JSC Energoinform located in a picturesque...
The program of staff development, the expert group of utilities and facilities for production of a branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" Aktobe oblast Boichenko D.A. participated in a seminar on "Geoinformation technology to create...
In celebration of the professional holiday of workers of construction - Day of the builder's branch employees RSE "Gosexpertize" Aktobe region conducted a number of activities, visiting cultural, entertainment and...
In the first week of August 2014 in Durban (South African Republic) was XXV World Congress of the International Union of Architects, unites nearly half a million professional architects from around the world.
August 8, 2014 branch RSE "Gosexpertiza" in Almaty city was held the solemn meeting devoted to the Day of the builder and the 26-th anniversary of RSE "Gosexpertiza".
The event was attended by veterans of the system of state...
By the message of the president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, December 14, 2012. "Strategy" Kazakhstan-2050 ": new political course held state" and in the framework of the RSE "Gosexpertiza" to promote healthy...
The program of staff development, the expert group of utilities and facilities for production of a branch of RSE "Gosexpertize" Aktobe area Kuzdibaeva S.R. participated in a seminar on "Geoinformation technology to create...
July 9, 2014 in the branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" in Almaty city hosted a workshop chaired by the Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kabikenov A.K. on "Activities of...
July 11, 2014 in the branch of RSE "Gosexpertize" Aktobe region, within the framework of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Programme for the Fight against Corruption for 2014., agreed with the branch of the party...
«Мемсараптама» РМК-ның Қызылорда облысы бойынша филиалында кәсіпорынның жалпы жиналысында «Қазақ тілі» қоғамы Қызылорда облыстық филиалының бастамасымен «Қазақ тілі» қоғамының бастауыш ұйымы құрылды. Бастауыш ұйымының...
Филиалом РГП «Госэкспертиза» по Жамбылской области 13 июня 2014 года совместно с ТОО «WILO Central Asia» (г. Алматы) и ТОО «BUILDING PROTECTION GROUP» (г. Шымкент) с участием заказчиков и проектных...
June 9, 2014 in the branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" Aktobe region hosted an event dedicated to the Day of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The event was accompanied by a video of the first steps of independent...
June 6, 2014 in the branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" in Almaty passed Republican meeting with the Chairman of the Committee for the construction of housing and communal services of the Ministry of Regional Development of the...
Pursuant to legal assignments Committee for Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Republic of Kazakhstan 28.03.2013, the number 1 to develop a scheme of interaction systems of state architectural-building control and...