Passed exactly 70 years since one of the most important events of our country - the Great Patriotic War. It is less among us its direct participants. Pass decades, but the glory of valorous generation of winners doesn't grow...
Employees of the branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" in Kostanay region congratulate veterans of the Great Patriotic War, workers of the rear on the holiday - the 70th anniversary of the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic...
2015 year, on May 7 the staff of the branch office of the RSE «Gosexpertiza» of Almaty congratulated the veteran of the Great Patriotic War Gusev Vladimir Petrovich with the 70th anniversary of the Victory!
Gusev Vladimir...
Ұлы Отан соғысы Жеңісінің 70 жылдығы мерекесіне орай «Мемсараптама» РМК Қызылорда облысы бойынша филиалының қызметкерлері ҰОС ардагерлерін құттықтап, материалдық көмек көрсетті.
В связи с празднованием 70-летия Победы в Великой Отечественной Войне сотрудники филиала РГП "Госэкспертиза" по Кызылординской области поздравили участников ВОВ и оказали материальную помощь.
28 апреля 2015 года на 58 году жизни скоропостижно скончался наш коллега, эксперт архитектурно-строительного сектора Паксютов Дмитрий Викторович.
Паксютов Дмитрий Викторович 16.12.1957 года рождения, работая в филиале с 12...
This patriotic holiday commemorates the victory of the USSR over the Nazi Germany. On the eve of Victory Day the members of the branch of RSE "Gosexpertize" on the South - Kazakhstan region visited our veterans (Tungyshpaev...
2015 жылғы 3 мамырда «Мемсараптама» РМК Қызылорда облысы бойынша филиалында «Отан қорғаушылар күні» мерекесіне орай ер кісілер арасында үстел теннисі бойынша турнир өтті. Жарысқа жетекшілік еткен және ұйымдастырған «...
April 30, 2015 on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan No.
In accordance with the order of April 1, 2015, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan from May 1, 2015 introduced a system for conducting a comprehensive examination of feasibility studies and design...
RSE branch of "Gosexpertize" on the Mangistau area informs potential customers and the design organizations that since May 1, 2015 come into force of the Rule of carrying out complex non-departmental examination of the...
RSE branch of "Gosexpertize" on the Aktyubinsk area informs potential customers and the design organizations that since May 1, 2015 come into force of the Rule of carrying out complex non-departmental examination of the...
The branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" in Kostanay region informs potential customers and design organizations that from May 1, 2015 the Rules for carrying out a complex non-departmental examination of feasibility studies and...
Филиал РГП «Госэкспертиза» по Кызылординской области информирует потенциальных заказчиков и проектные организации о том, что с 1 мая 2015 года вступают в силу Правила проведения комплексной вневедомственной экспертизы...
Филиал РГП «Госэкспертиза» по Жамбылской области информирует потенциальных заказчиков и проектные организации о том, что с 1 мая 2015 года вступают в силу Правила проведения комплексной вневедомственной экспертизы технико-...
The order and Rules of carrying out complex departmental examination with the participation of industry expertises.
Within the Plan for professional development of staff of RSE branch of "Gosexpertize" for the Aktyubinsk area for 2015, the leading expert (translator) of summary department of branch took part in the seminar course on the...
2015 year, on April 25, with the support of the labor Union of the RSE «Gosexpertiza» and with the branch office of the RSE «Gosexpertiza» of Almaty city, there was held Sports day, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the...
Within the Plan for professional development of staff of RSE branch of "Gosexpertize" for the Aktyubinsk area for 2015, the chief specialist (the lawyer, on shots) the administrative and managerial personnel of branch of...
Сотрудники филиала РГП «Госэкспертиза» по Кызылординской области посетили торжественную церемонию передачи Символа эстафеты «АНК - 20 добрых дел» - «Тайказан», которая состоялась 16 апреля 2015 года в Доме культуры имени А....