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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

Program of professional development "Complex design of systems of heat supply (design of thermal networks, central heat distribution stations and individual thermal points)"

Program of professional development "Complex design of systems of heat supply (design of thermal networks, central heat distribution stations and individual thermal points)"
Program of professional development "Complex design of systems of heat supply (design of thermal networks, central heat distribution stations and individual thermal points)"

Experts of RSE Gosexpertiza took part from October 15 to October 19, 2018 in the program of professional development on the subject "Complex Design of Systems of Heat Supply (Design of Thermal Networks, Central Heat Distribution Stations and Individual Thermal Points)" in the city of St. Petersburg (Russian Federation).
Moderator: CHOU DPO "TsNTI-Progress".
The program of professional development consisted of the following subjects:
- Existing regulations, standards and standards of design of the CU, TP.
- Practice of design of thermal networks.
- Calculations of thermal networks.
- Practice of design of thermal points.
- Technological schemes TsTP and ITP. Features of circuit solutions of ITP. Selection and features of use of the equipment for TP. Hydraulic coordination of work external the CU with the internal systems of heat supply in TP.
- Design of metering station.
- The regulating documentation on design. Calculation of ranges of the flows measured by flowmeters. Equipment selection with examples as a part of standard metering station. Structure of the project. Comments on projects. Analysis of operation of heat meters on chasovka.
- Examination of the project documentation of systems of heat supply.
Upon termination of training in participants certificates of passing of a course were issued.