09.08.2017 for the employees of the branch in Kostanay region RSE "Gosexpertiza" was organized and conducted a lecture-conversation with the participation of the chief specialist of the Corruption Prevention Department of...
В целях повышения квалификации работников РГП "Госэкспертиза" сотрудники филиала по Кызылординской области с 31 июля по 1 августа начальник производственного отдела Бутабаева А.К. и эксперт Искаков Г.Т. приняли участие в...
On July 31 and August 1, 2017 employees of the branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" in Almaty M. Kurmangaliev and M. Insanbaeva took part in the sixth conference "Energy efficiency in the city. Urban planning, construction and...
Pursuant to the Plan of professional training of workers RSE "Gosexpertiza" in 2017, from 26 to 28 July 2017, a workshop was held on improvement of a Unified information system of integrated departmental review (ESCWA) (...
In pursuance of the Employee Training Plan for RSE "Gosexpertiza" for 2017, from July 26 to July 28, 2017, a seminar was held on the improvement of the Unified Information System for Integrated Non-departmental Expertise (...
В соответствии с планом профессионального обучения работников РГП "Госэкспертиза" на 2017 год. С 26 по 28 июля был проведен обучающий семинар по усовершенствованию Единой информационной системе комплексной вневедомственной...
From June 14 to June 15, 2017, in order to implement the Professional Training Plan for the RSE "Gosexpertiza" employees for 2017, a seminar on the topic "Features of environmental calculations, including calculation of...
Accessibility and openness of information is one of the main tasks that society is facing in the fight against corruption. Wide publicity prevents the creation of an enabling environment for the prosperity of corruption. The...
In order to improve the skills of RSE "Gosexpertiza" employees, regional seminars were held on the topic "Specifics of carrying out environmental calculations, including calculation of noise and vibration, establishment of...
Now the development of design estimates for the reconstruction of the runway and the building of the terminal itself.
Today, 70th anniversary is celebrated by the honorable architect of Kazakhstan, expert of the production department of the branch in Almaty RSE "Gosexpertiza" Krutov Alexander Abramovich.
Krutov Alexander...
27 апреля 2017 заместитель директора Абдикаликов Б.А. принял участие в семинар-совещании на тему «Новые технологии в строительстве», по приглашению университета «Болашак»
In pursuance of the Workforce Training Plan for RSE "Gosexpertiza" for 2017, from April 20 to April 21, 2017, the central office held courses on "Information Security Management System. Information Security Risk Management....
20-21 апреля 2017 года г. Астана, в РГП «Госэкспертиза» прошел семинар на тему: "Подготовка к созданию СУИБ. Определение Политики в области СУИБ и области приложения СУИБ. Анализ активов предприятия. Инвентаризация активов,...
«Мемсараптама» РМК-нің жұмыскерлерді кәсіби оқыту жоспарына сәйкес 2017 жылғы 20-21 сәуір аралығында Астана қаласында «Ақпараттық қауіпсіздікті басқару жүйесі». ISO 27001» тақырыбына семинар өткізілді, онда А. В. Грохотов...
Pursuant to the Plan of professional training of workers RSE "Gosexpertiza" for 2017, 20 - 21 April 2017, in the head office of RSE "Gosexpertiza" was held a seminar on the theme "System of information security management....
15 апреля 2017 года сотрудниками филиала был проведен субботник по очистке и облагораживании территории.
The results of hardware meeting with participation of Deputy
akim of North Kazakhstan region
Presided over by Deputy akim of North Kazakhstan region A. V. Fedyaev
Was attended by: representatives of management and GASK L,...
12 апреля 2017 года сотрудники филиала по Кызылординской области РГП «Госэкспертиза» приняли участие в региональном совещании в режиме видеоконференции, организованном Национальной палатой предпринимателей Республики...
In the jubilee conference held on April 6, 2017 in the "House of Scientists", in which participated as a listener: the deputy chief of the software, Manapbaeva LB, expert PO Nauryzbekova AA, chief specialist. By mon.sen PO...