In the implementation of the Professional Training Plan for RSE «Gosexpertiza» employees for 2017, on November 28-29 of current year in Astana was held a seminar with the participation of directors, deputy directors and...
Во исполнение Плана профессионального обучения работников РГП «Госэкспертиза» на 2017 год, с 28 ноября по 29 ноября 2017 года в г. Астана состоялся семинар на тему «Изменения в МСФО и налоговом законодательстве Республики...
For executing the plan of professional studying RSE "Statexpertise" in 2017, there was spent the seminar on the topic “Changes in IFRS and tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan from January 1, 2018 " from 28th to...
In the framework of the Plan of professional training of workers RSE "Gosexpertiza" in 2017 from 08 November to 11 November 2017 in the city of Saint Petersburg (Russian Federation) was proved a seminar on "Features of...
For executing the plan of professional studying RSE "Statexpertise" in 2017, there was spent the seminar on the topic “Design features of an accessible environment for buildings and structures for disabled people and low-...
The Head of State became familiar with the process of housing construction in the new micro-district referred to as "Airport".
During the visit, Nursultan Nazarbayev heard the information on implementation of the Nurly Zher...
From October 23 to October 24, 2017 in Astana a seminar "Application of regulatory and legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of fire safety in new conditions" was held.
The following topics were discussed at...
Во исполнение Плана профессионального обучения работников РГП «Госэкспертиза» на 2017 год, проведен семинар на тему «Применение нормативно-правовых актов Республики Казахстан в области пожарной безопасности в новых условиях...
According to the plan of professional training of the RSE «Gosexpertiza» employees, a seminar on the topic «Application of the regulatory and legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of fire safety in new...
In connection with resolution № 1861 of September 21, 2017, «On sanitary cleaning of settlements, provision of water supply and preparation of sewerage facilities for the autumn-winter period 2017-2018» of Akimat of Atyrau...
There was held an expanded meeting on improving the design and expert activities, as well as on the presentation of the communication module and downloading the re-considered design estimates under the chairmanship of the...
Нурсултан Назарбаев ознакомился с ходом строительства завода, возводимого в рамках программы индустриально-инновационного развития Казахстана.Также глава государства осмотрел выставку инновационных проектов, реализуемых в...
30 сентября 2017 года сотрудники филиала по Кызылординской области РГП "Госэкспертиза" вышли на субботник. Была проведена очистка территории предприятия от мусора.
There is a future construction costing almost 40 million tenge, will be on Hasek Street. Now the workers are completing earthworks. The construction itself will be made of alloy steel, and the roof of polycarbonate. Thus,...
There was examined the activities of the Economic Investigation Service (SES), which is a law enforcement unit of the State Revenue Committee, whose competence includes the prevention, detection and investigation of criminal...
«Мемсараптама» РМК-нің 2017 жылға арналған жұмыскерлерді кәсіби оқыту жоспарына сәйкес 2017 жылғы 15 қыркүйекте Астана қаласында «Қазақстан Республикасы заңнамасындағы өзгерістерге шолу» тақырыбында семинар өткізілді....
For executing the plan of professional studying RSE " Statexpertise " in 2017, there were spent the seminars on public procurement issues, as well as legal, personnel issues from 13d to 15th September 2017 where chief of the...
For the employees of the branch of RSE "Gosexpertiza" a seminar was organized on the topic "Changing Labor Law: Actual Issues of Law Enforcement and Judicial Practice" in Astana on September 14, 2017.
The following issues...
«Мемсараптама» РМК-нің 2017 жылға арналған жұмыскерлерді кәсіби оқыту жоспарына сәйкес 2017 жылғы 14 қыркүйекте Астана қаласында «Еңбек заңнамасын өзгерту: құқық қолдану және сот тәжірибесінің маңызды мәселелері» тақырыбында...