General director of RSE "Gosexpertiza" Kazhkenov K. informed the participants of the V International Conference "Development of the Institute of Construction Expertise" that one of the main legislative changes in the field of project expertise in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the introduction of the concept of a special industrial zone in the relevant law. In such zones, a special legal regime of project expertise will operate: all construction projects implemented on the territory of special zones are subject to expertise in the management companies of these zones accredited by the relevant state body.
Also in July of this year, a new environmental code came into force in Kazakhstan, according to which environmental assessment was removed from the scope of complex expertise and is now carried out separately. The new code will be based on the experience of the member countries of the Organization for economic cooperation and development, as well as on the provisions of international conventions.
During the conference, the head of the Ministry of Construction of Russia Faizullin I. asked how the construction complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan solved the problem of a sharp increase in prices for construction materials. Kuandyk Kazhkenov replied that after an explosive increase in prices for construction materials, in particular, for metal structures, many construction companies said that it was impossible to complete construction in such conditions, and it was necessary to review the cost of the contracts concluded.
"However, neither the construction legislation nor the regulatory and technical documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan until recently provided for amendments to the documentation provided for conducting a comprehensive construction expertise, only in the estimated part. But to overcome the current situation, a law was developed according to which, in the event of a 10% change in the prices of construction materials, the construction company and the construction customer receive the right to recalculate the contract amount. This law will soon come into force," explained the General director of the RSE "Gosexpertiza".
With a link to the website of Glavgosexpertiza