Seminar on "Foundations of earthquake-resistant construction"
In order to improve the skills of employees of RSE "Gosexpertiza," a seminar was held on the topic "Foundations of earthquake-resistant construction" in Nur-sultan in the period from March 27 to March 28, 2019.
Moderator of the seminar of JSC “KazNIISA”, lecturer - Omarov Jasulan Amanzholovich - Director of the seismic resistance center, survey of buildings and structures of JSC “KazNIISA”, candidate of technical sciences.
The seminar addressed the following issues:
1. Nature and causes of earthquakes.
1.1. Seismicity and seismic hazard. Past earthquakes and potential future devastating earthquakes in the world space and in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Seismicity belts. Characteristic of earth's plates. Forecasting of earthquakes.
1.2. Intensity of earthquakes. Measurement of earthquake intensity scales. The ratio of earthquake intensity scales in the countries of the world community. Dangerous natural consequences of earthquakes: volcanoes, landslides, collapses, tsunami, seedlings, floods and others.
1.3. Seismic activity and earthquake magnitude. Card of seismic zoning of Kazakhstan. Application of Seismosation Maps according to the European Approaches. Seismic hazard of construction zones. Ground conditions and seismic hazard of construction sites.
2. Construction in seismic zones.
2.1. The current situation of regulatory and technical and legislative norms in the countries of the European Commonwealth, as well as in seismically dangerous regions of Kazakhstan - a new regulatory and technical basis of the SP of the Republic of Kazakhstan EN, the SP of the Republic of Kazakhstan EN. Application of new regulatory and technical base in seismic-resistant construction - SP RK 2-03-30-2017 "Construction in seismic zones." Ratio of MS RK to SNiP RK in seismic areas of Kazakhstan. Calculation for seismic impacts. Main settlement programs.
2.2. Types of buildings: residential, public and industrial buildings. Space-planning and structural solutions of buildings. Requirements for antiseismic sutures in buildings.
2.3. Structural requirements for bases and foundations, covering and covering of buildings erected on sites with increased seismic hazard (6,7,8,9,10 points). Problems of seismic safety of regions of Kazakhstan. Losses from earthquakes. Damage to buildings and structures. Analysis of consequences of earthquakes.
2.4. Non-bearing and enclosing walls and partitions.
2.5. Buildings with load-bearing walls of monolithic reinforced concrete. Framework buildings and structures. Panel buildings and volume-block buildings.
2.6. Buildings with structural walls of brick or masonry. Structural requirements for seismic resistance of brick buildings. Analysis of the consequences of the earthquake in Armenia (Spitak, Leninakan, Kirovakan)
2.7. Features of reinforced concrete structures design. Operational survey of buildings and structures on the consequences of earthquakes, man-made disasters and accidents. Survey and assessment of seismic resistance of buildings of existing buildings with development of recommendations and projects of reinforcement in seismic areas.
2.8. Ensuring the safety of construction of buildings and structures. Experimental and theoretical studies of buildings and structures. Vibrodynamic tests.
2.9. International cooperation in the field of earthquake-resistant construction: projects and programs. Project "Research on earthquake risk management for Almaty city" - JICA. IASC Interstate Seismological Monitoring System Program.
Preparation for emergencies related to natural disasters in Central Asia and Kazakhstan.
2.10. Vulnerability of the region to natural disasters. Earthquake damage count. Determination of costs for antiseismic measures and degree of damage to buildings and structures. Measures to ensure the safety of the population. Passport of real estate objects in Almaty.
At the end of the seminar, the relevant certificates were issued to the participants.