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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

There was held a seminar (lecture) by A. Rakhmankulov, Deputy Head of the Internal Control Department of RSE “Statexpertise” in Almaty on the topic: Prevention of corruption offenses in expert activities.

There was held a seminar (lecture) by A. Rakhmankulov, Deputy Head of the Internal Control Department of RSE “Statexpertise” in Almaty on the topic: Prevention of corruption offenses in expert activities.
There was held a seminar (lecture) by A. Rakhmankulov, Deputy Head of the Internal Control Department of RSE “Statexpertise” in Almaty on the topic: Prevention of corruption offenses in expert activities.

On August 14, 2019, as part of anti-corruption measures, a seminar (lecture) was held for the branch employees on the topic: Prevention of corruption offenses in expert activities
The opening of the seminar took place with the opening address of the branch director S. Lekerov. He noted that the branch is constantly working to create an anti-corruption culture of workers, in connection with which various formats are being initiated, including lectures, talks, and seminars. A.Rakhmankulov, deputy head of the internal control department of the RSE “Statexpertise”, was invited to the seminar
Speakers: Deputy Head of the Internal Control Department of the RSE “Statexpertise” A. Rakhmankulov
The main goal of today's seminar (lecture) is the prevention and prevention of corruption in expert activities. We must form an intolerance to corruption in our team. And every employee of the RSE "Statexpertise" should remember this. In accordance with Article 22 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Combating Corruption”, all government bodies, organizations, quasi-public sector entities and officials are required to combat corruption within their competence. And our company is no exception. We must carry out such work on an ongoing basis. Speaking without exaggeration, an anti-corruption culture should be formed among our employees.
At the end of the lecture, participants received answers to questions of interest, and a video on anti-corruption topics was also shown.