According to tradition, the RSE “Statexpertise” annually in conjunction with the public association “Local Trade Union of Employees of the RSE“ Statexpertise ” holds a sports contest among employees.
The purpose of the sports and athletics meeting is to increase physical fitness and sports and mass work as part of the implementation of the Concept for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 11, 2016 No. 168, the widespread introduction of physical culture and sports in everyday life employees, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle and strengthening the corporate culture in the team.
The Sports festival 2019 took place from the 5th to 7th of September, 2019 in the mountain resort "ALMA-TAU", located near the city of Shymkent. Sports were held in 8 kinds of sport: volleyball, mini football, ping-pong, chess, tug of war, swimming, 100m race and throwing the ball into a basketball hoop.
At the opening ceremony, a congratulatory speech was addressed to the participants of the sports contest by the Deputy General Director of the RSE “Gosexpertiza” K. Kazhkenov, head of the internal control department of the RSE “Gosexpertiza” Zh. Ospanov, who started and opened the Spartakiad-2019. Also, parting words were made by the head of the expert projects department of the RSE “Gosexpertiza” S. Imanbaev and the director of the branch of the RSE “Gosexpertiza” in Almaty S. Lekerov, wishing the participants of the sports contest successful starts, high results and victory.
Football and chess were held in a circular system, and the rest of the games in the Olympic system for relegation. All participants in the sports day were motivated to win. The competitions were held in a tense and uncompromising struggle, which was actively supported by the fans of the teams and participants.
The joint team of Jetisy` branches in Almaty and Almaty region won a landslide victory in tournaments in mini football, volleyball, ball-tosses and won gold medals.
In individual disciplines, team members also achieved success by becoming winners and prize-winners of competitions in tournaments:
- in swimming (relay) I place and gold medals were won by T. Samarkhanov and D. Ankauova;
- in ping-pong II place and a silver medal won S.Akimzhanov, he also took the chess place took IV place, adding another point to the team piggy bank;
- on the 100 m race II place and a silver medal won T.Samarkhanov.
The title "Best Swimmer" was awarded T.Samarkhanov, "Best Volleyball Player" S.Tekeev.
At the end of the games, a debriefing and a solemn part of the closing of the sports day took place. The winning teams were awarded with diplomas, commemorative medals and cups.
According to the results of the tournament in all kinds of sports, the joint team of Jetisy` branches in Almaty and the Almaty region with great advantage took the team I place and won the Sports festival Cup-2019, thereby becoming 5-time champions of the RSE "Statexpertise".
The team of the RSE “Statexpertise” branch in Almaty congratulates all participants in the Spartakiad-2019, in particular, the teams that won the 2nd and 3rd prize places, and also expresses great gratitude to the employees of the RSE “Statexpertise” branch in the Almaty region for their active participation in the team, for colossal efforts, persistence and the will to win.
Separately, I would like to note and express my gratitude to the management of the RSE “Statexpertise”, PA “Local Trade Union of Employees of the RSE “Statexpertise ”and the branch of the RSE “Statexpertise” in the Southern Region for organizing and conducting a sports event at a high level.