Architect-urban planner is designed to create the best conditions
for the life of not only contemporaries, but also future generations.
Ivan Zholtovsky
Exactly 30 years ago, by order of the Chairman of the state construction Committee of the Kazakh SSR of August 8, 1988 № 45-OS in pursuance of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR of August 26, 1987 № 400, opened its doors the Main Department of the state non-departmental examination of projects under the state construction of the Kazakh SSR, which combined all the expert functions on projects of construction, regardless of their industry and departmental affiliation.
Already in independent sovereign Kazakhstan, with the release of the Decree of the President of the country, having the force of the Law of June 19, 1995 № 2335 "on state enterprise", the Main Department of the state non-departmental expertise of projects of the Ministry of construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 24, 1996 № 88 was transformed into the Republican state enterprise" state non-departmental expertise "(RSE"state expertise").
Over 30 years of its activity RSE "Gosexpertiza" were considered to become a kind of "business cards" of our country important for architecture and urban construction projects such as: AK Orda, Almaty metro, Palace of Peace And Harmony, Bayterek Monument, shopping center "Khan Shatyr" etc.
In honor of the 30th anniversary of RSE "Gosexpertiza" and the professional holiday "Builder's Day" on August 7, 2018, a solemn meeting was held in the format of a video conference with the participation of branches of RSE "Gosexpertiza" during which the General Director of RSE "Gosexpertiza" Karagoishin T. D. presented badges "Urmatt Jolly" honorary signs "Data uriless" medal Yenbek ardageri, jubilee medals "Memorable" RMK 30 years", honorary diplomas and letters of thanks of the Ministry of investments and development of Republic of Kazakhstan, diplomas of RSE "Gosexpertiza", honorary certificates of the builders Association, honorary certificates of Central Committee of trade Union of workers of the construction complex and housing and communal services, letters of thanks of Astana branch of the Central Committee of trade Union of workers of the construction complex and housing and communal services, letters of appreciation from Esil district branch Astana of the party "NurOtan" to veterans and to the most distinguished employees.
August 9, 2018 during the solemn meeting of the Ministry on investments and development of Kazakhstan dedicated to the professional holiday "Builder's Day" and the 30th anniversary of the RSE "Gosexpertiza", the Vice-Minister for investment and development of Kazakhstan, Sklar Roman V.-handed signs "Urmatt uriless" the chief of Department of methodological support and quality expertise project management methodology of RSE "Gosexpertiza" by E. Richter, "Urmatt suits" expert of production Department of branch RSE "Gosexpertiza" in the Karaganda region E. Kuzmina noting professional achievements.