RSE Gosexperiza by the invitation of the organizer participated in a conference "Autodesk: Creation of objects of the future". The action took place in the city of Almaty on November 30, 2018 and brought together wide audience of users of products of the company organizer from the construction and machine-building industries and also domestic and foreign experts from the IT area, information modeling of construction objects and computer-aided engineering systems.
During the conference the representative of the Enterprise performed with the presentation about digitalization of processes of activity of RSE Gosexperiza by the principle of "one window". In the performance the speaker placed emphases on anniversary of RGP Gosexperiza, the history of creation of a domestic system of state examination, milestones of development of electronic reception of the design and estimate documentation and the principle of "one window" when conducting examination of projects.
The greatest interest of public was attracted by the expansion of the principle of "one window" which took place this year and inclusion in process of complex non-departmental examination of the procedure of delivery of permissions to issues in the environment and also vision of the Enterprise for integration of the Uniform portal with information systems from the sector of "The electronic government".
Based on responses from an action, now in circles of professional community more and more increasing interest in introduction and effective use of the technology of information modeling of construction objects (TIMCO) and the related program tools is observed.
Such trends according to participants first of all are caused by activity in this direction of authorized public authorities and connected with this interest of the state customers and large builders.