There was held a seminar on the topic: "Designing of building structures using the LIRA-SAPR software package. Version 2018 and its development within the framework of the BIM concept " from May 16 to May17, 2018, in which experts of the production department of the RSE "Statexpertise" branch in Almaty Z. Omarova, N. Zinkovskaya, D. Kurumbaeva took part.
The program of the seminar consisted of a theoretical part and master classes. There was heard reports on new functions and capabilities of the LIRA-SAPR software package in the version of 2018, as well as reports on the practical application of the PC LIRA-SAPR computer and the experience in the BIM concept in the seminar.
Master classes on the use of LIRA-SAPR 2018 PC and preprocessor PC SAPPHIRE 2018 users were acquainted with the functionality of the programs, and the design schemes.
We are grateful to Lira Service and Bitcom Software for organizing this training event.