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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

Round table on corruption issues with the participation of the representative of the Department of Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for civil service affairs and anti-corruption in Atyrau region

Round table on corruption issues with the participation of the representative of the Department of Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for civil service affairs and anti-corruption in Atyrau region
Round table on corruption issues with the participation of the representative of the Department of Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for civil service affairs and anti-corruption in Atyrau region

Kazakhstan since its state independence purposively and gradually following the course to create an effective, relevant international standards, institutions and mechanisms of counteraction of corruption.
One of the important instruments of anti-corruption policy implementation is the Commission on anti-corruption under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for civil service affairs and anti-corruption (hereinafter – the Agency).
The Agency equally combines the functions of implementing a new model of public service and preventing corruption.
The chief specialist of the control of corruption prevention of RSU «Department of Agency of RK for civil service affairs and anti-corruption in Atyrau region», described in detail the activities of the Agency in his speech at the event held by the production department in the city of Atyrau of the branch of RSE «Statexpertise» in the Western region (hereinafter-the branch) on may 29, 2018 in the form of a round table.
So, Sagytzhanov S.S. held a lecture on «Formation of anti-corruption culture, prevention of corruption and measures of responsibility for corruption offenses», demonstrated a video about corruption violations among officials and employees of public services, while describing in detail the preventive measures against each offender, answered questions of the branch employees, told about the projects implemented by the Agency and future projects.
The topics discussed at the round table had a preventive focus.
Thus, employees of the branch learned more about corruption, its manifestations and preventive measures.
We уxpress our gratitude to the leadership of the RSU «Department of Agency of RK for civil service affairs and anti-corruption in Atyrau region» and the chief specialist of the Department of corruption prevention Sagytzhanov S.S. for the received information.