In pursuance the Plan of actions for the implementation of the anti-corruption Program for 2018, on March 12, 2018 in the production Department in Atyrau city of the branch RSE «Statexpertize» by the Western region passed a production meeting in the form of a lecture-talk with employees about the need to form in the society intolerance to corruption behavior as a way to overcome corruption.
Is it possible to resist corruption? In the modern world, work to strengthen the fight against corruption is being continuously and constantly improved. There is no unique set of anti-corruption mechanisms in the world that is optimal for all countries. The specificity of the anti-corruption methods adopted by each country is unique and depends not only on political and economic stability, but also on customs and traditions, religious peculiarities and the level of legal culture, as well as the area of the occupied territory, density, population.
One of the measures aimed at prevention of corruption behavior is the formation of negative attitude to corruption manifestations in the society. Such an attitude can only be formed by an active state anti-corruption information company, which will include various subjects on television channels about the arrest of persons convicted of corruption crimes, the publication of various articles in newspapers and magazines about corruption crimes, informing the public about the number of criminal cases initiated, as well as informing the public about the identified corruption factors and demonstration statistical information.
Thus, a number of anti-corruption organizations have been established in Kazakhstan.
During the lecture, was shown a video about the work of the national anti-corruption Bureau of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for civil service and anti-corruption affairs for 2017 and given statistics of registered offenses.
At the end of the lecture, was shown an instructive social video, were quoted the words of the President from his Address to the people of Kazakhstan, and all the information in general was discussed by the staff.