Время приёма посетителей с 09:00 до 12:30 часов
Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

On participation in the seminar "The functionality of the software product 1C: Accounting 8 in the part of the personnel management, developed for RSE" Gosexpertiza ".


In the framework of implementation of the Plan of training of employees of RSE "Gosexpertiza" on the 2016 December 6, 2016 in the conference hall of RSE "Gosexpertiza was held a seminar on" The functionality of the software 1C Product: Accounting 8 in the part of the personnel management, developed for RSE "Gosexpertiza" , which was attended by Usenbayeva TE Chief Specialist of the administrative department of the branch.
The following issues were discussed during the seminar: Peculiarities of personnel records arising from employment; environmental conditions, shorter working hours and employment for the duration of the work; labor holiday, compensation and dismissal; especially taking into account travel organizations related to professional development. Certification, workshops, specification, category; especially taking into account workers, adopted by the Forum and especially accounting freelance certified experts, etc.
At the end of the seminar Usenbayeva TE the certificate was issued.