In accordance with the Plan of training of employees of RSE "Gosexpertiza" on the 2016 December 5, 2016 in the conference hall of RSE "Gosexpertiza" seminar on "Current issues of labor law", which was attended by Usenbayeva TE was conducted Chief Specialist of the administrative department of the branch.
The seminar was opened by Director General of RSE "Gosexpertiza" Karagoyshin TD, which outlined the main directions of personnel policy of RSE "Gosexpertiza".
the new Labour Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK Law from 23.11.2015 of №414-V), changes in legislation on employment (SAMs from 4.6.2016 number 483-V):: At the seminar issues such as comments were considered major changes and issues resulting in the application; employment contract (TD): the content of the new rules to enter into the content and essence, unlike other types of contracts; liability of the parties TD; legal regulation of the labor of certain categories of workers: practical issues, etc.
The lecturers of the seminar were: Nurgaliyev Enlik Nurgalievna - Doctor of Law, Professor, Director of the Research Institute of Public Law Research, development and examination of draft laws; Zhalposhov Ordabekuly Baglan - Head management control of the labor legislation - the chief state labor inspector KTSZM Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Nurasheva Bibigul Shakirbaevna - Dr. PhD, an expert practitioner with extensive experience in the protection of labor rights of workers in the framework of the pre-trial and court procedures, and counseling professionals HR, training union leaders and examination of draft laws on labor law.
Also, a "round table" at which they discussed the main issues arising in the branches of activity and other personnel work.
At the end of the seminar Usenbayeva TE was given training certificate on the topic. "Current labor law matters"