Время приёма посетителей с 09:00 до 12:30 часов
Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

"Treatment facilities of economic and household and surface sewage. Design, construction, reconstruction"

"Treatment facilities of economic and household and surface sewage. Design, construction, reconstruction"

Within the Plan of professional development of staff of RSE branch of "Gosexpertize" for the Aktyubinsk area (further – branch) for 2015, the expert of sector of transport, engineering networks and constructions of production department of branch Aizharikova G.M. participated in a seminar on a subject "Treatment facilities of economic and household and surface sewage. Design, construction, reconstruction", organized CSTI "PROGRESS" and past on September 6-13, 2015 in the Russian Federation, St.Petersburg.
Lecturers of a seminar made explanations on treatment facilities of utility fluids, features of technological schemes and techniques of cleaning of household drains, a modern technique of cleaning of biogenous connections, calculations of systems of assignment of a superficial drain, schemes and designs of the regulating tanks, modern types of absorbent carbon, purification of storm sewage of oil products, development of projects of zones of sanitary protection of treatment facilities and other.
To each seminar subject were prepared reports.
So, reports were sounded by the following lecturers: professor of the St. Petersburg state architectural and construction university (further – StPSABU) Mishukov B. G., the associate professor of StPSABU Verkhoturov V.P., the expert of Management of Lenoblexpertize Lysov L.N., associate professor of SPtSABU Akimovа L.I., specialist of the Center of concrete technologies Amanbayev A., associate professor of SPtSABU Podporin A.V. and deputy chief of department of control of conditions of accommodation of the population of Department of Rospotrebnadzor for St. Petersburg by Borovkov N. V.
Participants discussed a number of questions about relevance of a problem of protection of water resources, having noted thus a steady tendency of increase in concentration of organic substances, biogenous elements and some other pollution in a number of basins of the large rivers and the lakes of the Russian Federation, and the reason of their emergence.
On end of a seminar participants were given out distributing materials and certificates of professional development.