Within execution of the Plan of measures on a phased transition of office-work on a state language of RSE branch of "Gosexpertize" on the Aktyubinsk area (further – branch) for 2015-2016, by Day of Unity people of Kazakhstan, and also in execution of the IV chapter of the Plan of the nation "100 steps", on May 12, 2015 in branch was held event "State under the one shanyrak".
It is known that for further strengthening of public consent in the country, increases of a role of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan (further – APK) in ensuring national unity of the people of Kazakhstan, the Head of state signed the Decree on the announcement of 2015 - year of APK. The action, which took place in a type of information lecture was devoted to this subject, it was told about unity of the people of Kazakhstan as one of the national states, about national idea, civil unity, were quoted the President N.A. Nazarbayev about national idea "Eternal state", was shown the video about the historical moments of the basis and existence of APK and other.
Action proceeded discussion by the staff of branch of the Decree of the Head state on the announcement of 2015 - year of APK, was sounded the congratulatory speech and as a rule ended with words of poetry that became a good tradition of each last event.