November 28, 2014 under the Plan to phase transition office in the state language, a leading specialist (translator) Imanbayeva A.M. participated in the training workshops on the theme "Doing paperwork in the official language and the problems of onomastics in the region" organized by Akim of Aktobe and SE "The department of culture and language development of the city of Aktobe".
Scientific seminar opened his speech Akim Deputy Aryngazieva A.A.
The seminar was held with the participation of the head of the department of languages development of Astana, Ph.candidate, associate professor Tileshov E., Head of Archives and Records Administration Astana Shokaeva A. and Director of State Enterprise "National coordination-methodical center of development of languages Sh.Shayahmetova behalf" of the Ministry of Culture and Sports RK, Ph.candidate Kapalbek B. and scientists professors Aktobe region. At this seminar, presentations were made on the topics: "National and historical basis for choosing onomastic names", "Basic problems of office: features and documentation translation", "Prestige language - the prestige of the people", "Ways to get organized office in the state language", etc.
Also, the seminar was attended by the heads of institutions and enterprises, research centers and representatives of creative communities, teachers, language specialists and translators on the Western region.
During the seminar, widely discussed records management in the state language of the documentation and the names of the objects of onomastics, the definition of its basic principles.
At the end of the workshop participants received audio CDs, educational collections, including the reference pointer onomastic names Atyrau region. Results of the seminar-training summed Head of Languages Aisha Kulbatyr.