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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

Welcome, Great day!

Welcome, Great day!
Welcome, Great day!
Welcome, Great day!
Welcome, Great day!

Within celebration of the international holiday "Nauryz meyrami", in branch RSE "Gosexpertize" on the Aktyubinsk area passed festive action with participation of staff of branch.
Festive action took place on March 20 of this year in the form of competition between branch departments where under the terms of competition each department presented a performance on subject Nauryz meyrami. For a prize-winning 1st place entered fight of 4 teams made of the employees from 3 production departments and the administrative and managerial personnel (AMP).
All four teams skillfully coped with homework, having thus shown the creative potential. Performance of participants were accompanied by national songs, display of custom of the Kazakh people "Tusau keser" and reading poems on a holiday Nauryz in a state language. Besides, participants exchanged knowledge of culture of the Kazakh people in one more task where had to give interpretation to the figures, having deep value for the Kazakh people.
Participants of festive action managed to reflect household and spiritual sense of Nauryz meyrami, public holiday of spring updating, fertility and friendship. Following the results of competition of jury defined the owner of the 1st place of festive action.
In addition, participants of competition were awarded by diplomas and prizes on the nominations: "The most amicable department", "The most fancy-dress department", "The most creative participant", "Prize of spectator sympathies".