On September, 21st, 2012 in the city of Ust Kamenogorsk has passed festival « Winged tulpar», dated by Day of languages of people of Kazakhstan as which organizer has acted by RSE "Gosexpertiza".
All territorial divisions RSE "Gosexpertiza" have taken part in celebrating Day of languages. Within the limits of festival the competition consisting of three rounds has been lead: display of a video clip « Presentation of territorial division »; concert number - execution of the Kazakh national song; representation of customs of people living in Republic of Kazakhstan.
Performance of participants has made impression on present the originality, subjects and talent of execution.
On results of competition winners who were awarded valuable prizes and letters are certain. Branch on the East Kazakhstan area has passed on the baton to the winner of festival, branch on Almaty area, for carrying out of festival in following year in the city of Taldykorgan.
II place was borrowed with a command of branch East Kazakhstan area.
III place was borrowed with a command of branch in Almaty.
Also, participants of festival are encouraged by letters and valuable prizes on nominations:
- The best director's work (a command of branch in Almaty);
- The best execution of the Kazakh national song (a command of branch on the East Kazakhstan area);
- The best original and bright representation (command RSE "Gosexpertiza");
- The best national suit (a command of branch on Kyzylorda area).