According to approved by «Plan of improvement of professional skill of experts RSE «Gosexpertiza» 20 - on June, 23rd, 2012 in city Almaty has been held the Republican seminar for experts on engineering networks and systems of territorial divisions of the enterprise.
The basic themes considered at a seminar:
- The control over application in the design documentation of building materials and products, engineering and the process equipment of the Kazakhstan manufacturers according to the report of meeting at the First deputy Prime minister of Republic of Kazakhstan from May, 31st, 2012;
- energy efficient and energy savings.
According to the program of a seminar, presentations of new technologies, materials and the equipment in sphere of engineering maintenance have been presented. This equipment and materials of the Kazakhstan and foreign manufacturers: LLP «Buran Boiler» the boiler equipment and block-modular boiler-houses, LLC «Viessmann» (Germany) - the boiler equipment, LLP «KazGeoSynthetika» - synthetic materials for application as a waterproofing material in hydraulic engineering constructions, tanks, sediment bowls, etc., LLP «SigmaTex» (a joint Kazakh-British venture) – ductile iron with rubber wedge of the Kazakhstan assembly, LLP «Nursu Plus» on technology on water treating from the open and underground sources, to application of the equipment on water treating. Also at a seminar have been taken up questions of designing of systems of gas supply – LLP «KATEK».
On the presented presentations experts RSE «Gosexpertiza» have accepted active participation in discussion and specification of the declared characteristics of the equipment, presence of local content.
Within the limits of a seminar visiting a factory of LLP «Buran Boiler» and existing boiler-houses of LLC «Viessmann» has been organized.
At summarizing a seminar the decision is accepted:
- to not suppose unreasonable application of import building materials and designs, the equipment and armature at presence of release of a corresponding domestic production, thus questions of import replacement to reflect without fail in expert conclusions.
- by consideration of the design documentation it is necessary to consider priority of adopted engineering solutions in the projects, taking into account energy efficiency and energy savings.