Seminar-meeting «About the statement of the Plan of measures on complex development of the General scheme of the organization of territory RK for 2011-2013»
Within the limits of realization of the order of the Prime minister of Republic of Kazakhstan from August, 10th, 2011 106-r «About the statement of the Plan of measures on complex development of the General scheme of the organization of territory of Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2013» on April, 26th, 2012 in city Almaty held an expanded seminar-meeting with participation of the interested state bodies, professional public associations, profile project institutes and mass media.
In work a seminar-meeting have taken part directors of Astana and Southern branches of RSE «Gosexpertiza» Kenzhetaev A.A., Karmanov Sh.D.
Deputy Akim of Almaty Dolzhenkov V.A. has opened meeting.
The vice-president of Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services Akimzhanov D.A. which has set the task about end of development of the General scheme in 2013 has acted with a salutatory word.
Summed up the seminar-meeting, Akimzhanov D.A. has noted the state importance and the social importance of complex development of the General scheme of the organization of territory RK.
The Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services supports a principle of the open doors for public participation in discussions and practice of carrying out of constants, regular quarterly a seminar-meetings in the cities of Astana and Almaty.
Akimzhanov D.A. has assured, that all the stated remarks and offers participants of meeting, will be reviewed and considered by developers of the General scheme.