According to «Plan of measures on realization of the State program of development of education in Republic of Kazakhstan», within the limits of the project of «20 intellectual schools of the First President» on February, 16th, 2012 in Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services the presentation of the working draft «Nazarbayev intellectual school of a physical- mathematical and chemical-biological direction on 720 pupils everyone, with the separate dormitory on 200 places, an office building on 386 places with the pedagogical center and hotel on 100 places in the city of Astana» took place.
Сustomer: AOE «Nazarbayev intellectual schools»
General designer: JSC «MAG»
Working draft is on consideration in RSE «Gosexpertiza».
The site under construction of school is located in the city of Astana, along the street №31 between avenues Kabanbay batyr and Turan .
By results of consideration, recommendations on maximal use in the working draft of materials, products and the equipment, let out by the Kazakhstan manufacturers are given to the customer and general designer.