The republican meeting on October, 28-29th, 2011 took place in city Almaty. The organizer of carrying out of meeting has acted as JSC «Kazakh Vodokanalproect» under the Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on affairs of construction and housing and communal services.
Participants of meeting were representatives SI «Management of energy and a municipal services» cities of Astana, Almaty and regions, the enterprises on operation of a water-sewer facilities of cities of Kazakhstan, members NTC JSC «Kazakh Vodokanalproect», including representatives of RSE «Gosexpertiza», and also experts of the companies presenting technical -technological solutions within the limits of a substantiation of investments of systems of water supply and water removal of 56 cities of Republic of Kazakhstan.
To participants of meeting the most accessible and effective newest technologies in the field of construction and have been presented to operation of systems of water supply and water removal, recommendations on maximal use in projects of materials, products and the equipment, let out by the Kazakhstan enterprises are given.