The INFORMATION on development of a state language in RSE "Gosexpertiza"
The department of administrative and personnel work RSE «Gosexpertiza» spends purposeful work on realization of the state language policy of Republic of Kazakhstan according to the Law «About languages in Republic of Kazakhstan» and the Plan of measures on stage-by-stage transition of office-work to a state language.
Internal certificates at the enterprise (positions, instructions, orders, orders), correspondence with the state institutes, legal persons, contracts on carrying out of state expert appraisal, on carrying out of the state purchases, personnel office-work, a site are conducted in the state and Russian languages. The visual information (tablets, signboards, stands) are made according to the Law on languages in Republic of Kazakhstan. In territorial divisions plans of measures on stage-by-stage transition of office-work to a state language are developed.
In 2011-2012 for employees organized courses teachings a state language, they include the initial level calculated on those who does not own a state language; continuing which assumes studying language by those who knows its bases; and the profound level, allowing to conduct preparation of documents in a state language. Training on rates there have passed 89 experts. They have confirmed the knowledge on testing and have received corresponding certificates.
At the enterprise the actions, devoted to Day of languages of people of Kazakhstan are spent. On April, 22nd, 2011 in RSE «Gosexpertiza» in Astana has passed the Festival, devoted to Day of languages of people of Kazakhstan. On festival which took place in the Kazakh drama theatre of a name of K.Kuanyshbaeva, there have arrived representatives of all territorial divisions. Former fifteen union republics have been distributed between branches.
The program of festival has been divided into three parts: competition took place in 1-st round on the best execution of concert number: participants in national suits have shown songs and dances, read verses, have shown slides, presented traditions, customs, national kitchen, songs and dances of people living in Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2-nd round competition on knowledge of building terms in a state language was spent, in I 3-eat round participants explained sense of proverbs, sayings, citations and statements about language of known Kazakh writers.
The festival has passed at a high level, all participants have shown good preparation. In structure of jury it has been invited the expert of Committee on languages of the Ministry of culture and the information of Republic of Kazakhstan Torekhanova Elerke Adepkhankyzy.
The following festival «Winged tulpar», dated by Day of languages of people of Kazakhstan took place in September, 2012, has passed in branch RSE «Gosexpertiza» on the East Kazakhstan area in a Ust Kamenogorsk. The festival consisted of three rounds, in 1 round participants have shown a videoclip-presentation of the enterprise, in the second round execution of the Kazakh national songs was estimated, in the third round participants have shown ceremonies of people living in territory of our country. Organizers for participants had been lead excursion to Ethnogorodok. The following festival which has become traditional, will pass on the native land of the winner of festival «Winged tulpar» in a Taldykorgan where in one of rounds participants will read verses on native edge in the Kazakh language.
In 2011 the collective has visited performance of the Kazakh academic theatre of a name of K.Kuanyshbaeva in the Kazakh language «Teren tamyrlar».
On celebrating Nauryz competitions on manufacturing of national dishes are annually spent, ceremonies «Betashar», «Tysau kesu», «Kudalyk», etc. have been shown.
In September, 2011 specialists-interpreters have taken part in the city competition of translators organized Akim of Astana.
On May, 30-31th, 2012 the seminar with experts on document circulation and conducting archival business RSE «Gosexpertiza» where with lecture on a theme «Conducting office-work in a state language and an official letter» has acted took place, has lead practical employment managing faculty of a state language of Academy of the government at the President of Republic of Kazakhstan, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Tulenbergenova N.T. On end of a seminar participants of a seminar have visited a museum of outstanding Kazakh poet S.Seifullin where the short-footage film in a state language about a life of the poet also has been shown.
Work on development and introduction of a state language proceeds, for 2013 the Plan of measures on the further expansion of sphere of application and introduction of a state language at the enterprise will be developed.