The order of examination
1. Examination of projects is spent up to their statement. The pre-design or design (design-budget) documentation on the construction, a subject obligatory examination, but not last it when due hereunder, is considered not completed and is not a subject to the further realization.
2. The examination of projects which is carried out by physical and legal persons, on the basis of contracts with reference of expenses for cost of the considered project.
The prices and tariffs for the state expert works on construction projects are established by State expertise in coordination with the authorized body on affairs of architecture, town-planning and construction and the authorized body on protection of a competition.
3. Examination of projects is directed on maintenance with design decisions of steady functioning of objects after their input to operation and includes an expert estimation on:
1) conformity of the project to the design assignment, other initial materials (data), specifications and requirements, and also approved town-planning decisions and functional purpose of the given site (a platform, a line) constructions;
2) observance of obligatory requirements on explosive and fire safety, a labor safety and the safety precautions, engineering, energy and resources saving, the ecological and sanitary requirements established by the state and interstate specifications;
3) validity of the accepted space-planning and constructive decisions, applied materials and the engineering equipment, reliability and durability of building designs;
4) validity and expediency of volumes of the construction stipulated by the design (design-budget) documentation;
5) validity and reliability of parameters, including settlement or budget costs of construction.
4. During the examination also established the presence or absence of the project developer license for the appropriate types of design (design and survey) work.
5. The project is represented for examination by the customer (investor) or under its assignment the general designer in the volume stipulated by the state specifications.
6. Completeness of the presented materials of the project, conformity of their structure to the requirements established by the state specifications, is checked within five calendar days from the date of their receipt for examination.
At an establishment of shortage of the project or its discrepancy to requirements on structure the customer (investor) or the general designer authorized by it is notified on necessity of representation of missing materials or return of the project because of its shortage.
7. Terms and duration of carrying out of examination of the projects which are not concerning the competence of state expertise and realized subjects of the market of expert works, set their contract with the customer.
Terms and duration of carrying out of state expertise of projects it is established by the contract, but should not exceed 45 calendar days.
At carrying out of state expertise of projects on construction technically especially complex objects (complexes) or the complex town-planning documentation, approved by the Government of Republic of Kazakhstan, duration can be prolonged till 60 calendar days.
Duration of carrying out of state expertise of projects on construction of technically simple objects should not exceed 15 calendar days.
The specified restrictions of duration of carrying out of state expertise does not extend on its realization in a mode of expert support during stage-by-stage development of the design-budget documentation and stage-by-stage conducting the construction.
8. Projects to which the changes (addition) are made influencing approved design decisions and the basic technical and economic parameters, are a subject to repeated examination by way of, established for again developed projects.
9. The design (design-budget) documentation on which within three and more years after its development and carrying out of examination there is not begun construction, is considered become outdated and can be used for realization only after carrying out of new examination and re-approval in the order established by the legislation.
10. The statement of projects and the beginning of their realization (delivery of sanctions to manufacture of construction and installation works and conducting construction) without the positive conclusion, lead according to the present section, is not supposed.
11. The physical and legal persons who are carrying out examination of projects (including state expertise), in the activity under the analysis, an estimation of efficiency of investments and quality of projects are independent of subjects of architectural, town-planning and building activity. Representative, agencies and the authorized body on affairs of architecture, town-planning and construction have not the right to interfere with professional work of expertise.
12. The physical and legal persons who are carrying out examination of projects (including state expertise), are allocated with the right:
1) by results of the lead examination to recommend to the statement to reject or return on completion projects;
2) to withdraw earlier the given out positive conclusions at default by the customer, the conditions (requirements) stipulated in conclusions;
3) to request and receive in the order established by the legislation from customers of the considered project on behalf of the state bodies and legal persons, and also separate experts - developers of the project materials and the information necessary for qualitative carrying out of examination;
4) to create when due hereunder commissions of experts or to involve experts for participation in examination.
13. The customer (investor) construction projects subject to examination, but not concerning the exclusive competence of state expertise, has the right to choose at own discretion as the expert any physical or legal person having the license of the subject of the market expert works, or to address to the legal person who is carrying out state expertise of projects.