According to the approved program of improvement of professional skill of experts, in RSE "Gosexperiza" from May, 18 till May, 19th, 2011 in the city of Astana, has been held a republican seminar with participation of experts RSE "Gosexpertiza" and its territorial divisions on examination architectural planning and constructive sections of construction projects.
During carrying out of a republican seminar experts have visited 13-th Kazakhstan international building exhibition «Construction and the Interior, Heating and Ventilation, Windows and Doors, Facades, Ceramics and the Stone» - «AstanaBuild 2011» where they saw represented in pavilions and at stands of an exhibition new technologies, building materials and the equipment of domestic and foreign manufacturers .
Within the limits of a republican seminar reports on a theme have been heard: «About some aspects of introduction of the European unified building norms (Eurocodes) in Kazakhstan», «About the software got by Headquarters RSE "Gosexpertiza", and the possibility of using of these programs», «Remarks and offers on sections of expert conclusion regarding architectural-planning and constructive decisions by territorial divisions», «Problems of designing of brick buildings in view of experience of construction and operation», «Structure and content of settlement materials by a constructive part represented for examination», «Ecology in construction», «Complex through calculation of building designs by means of programs the Monomokh, Lyre, FOK».
In the final performance General director RSE "Gosexpertiza" Yerezhepov B.B. has summed up republican a seminar-meeting.
Also, on results of a republican seminar, the exchange of opinions of experts of territorial divisions and Headquarters RSE "Gosexpertiza" on the problem questions, arising took place at carrying out of state examination on architectural-planning and constructive sections of the design-budget documentation.