On June, 8th, 2011 the republican seminar-meeting took place in Agency of RK on affairs of construction and housing and communal services on reforming the pricing system in which representatives of the central agencies, structural divisions of Agency have taken part, and also delegation from the Siberian center of pricing in construction of the Russian Federation.
The republican seminar-meeting was opened with an opening address by the deputy chairman of Agency of RK on affairs of construction and housing and communal services Akimzhanov D.A. with the reference to participants of meeting in which has noted about the basic directions of reforming of the pricing system in construction of Republic of Kazakhstan assuming transition from element budget norms and quotations to development of the integrated specifications.
Within the limits of a seminar-meeting reports of representatives RSE «KazNIISSA», Statistics Agency of RK and JSC «Siberian center of pricing in construction, the industries and energy» Omsk, on themes «Monitoring of the current prices for industrial resources», «The organization of statistical supervision over the prices in construction», « Pricing and budget normalization in construction», «Monitoring and formation of current cost of material resources on examples of Omsk area and other regions Russian Federations» have been heard.
In the second part a seminar-meeting took place presentation «Techniques of definition of budget cost of building production in РК» and «Methodical instructions on development of the integrated budget norms and quotations». On results discussions and debate of the parties by the specified techniques took place.