On March, 17-18th, 2008 in to Astana the republican meeting on results of work RSE “Gosexpertiza” and his territorial divisions for 2007 took place.
Participation in the given meeting directors and the main bookkeeper of branches and affiliated branches, chiefs of structural divisions of Headquarter enterprise have accepted chairman of Committee of construction and housing and communal services under The Ministry of industry and trade of Republic of Kazakhstan, management RSE “Gosexpertiza”.
With a welcoming speech to participants of meeting Chairman of Committee of construction and housing and communal services of Omarov К.О has addressed., in which has emphasized a special responsible role of state expert appraisal of projects at realization of the major state and branch programs of development of economy of Kazakhstan and has noted the most important and priority tasks facing to the enterprise.
With the report «About results of work of system RSE “Gosexpertiza” for 2007 and tasks of the enterprise for 2008» General director Yerezhepov B.B. in whom in particular has noted positive dynamics of growth of expert volumes as a whole on the country, the reached results and the parameters describing efficiency of state expert appraisal of projects, and also the purposes and tasks of the enterprise the nearest three years has acted.
Also reports of chiefs of structural divisions of Headquarter enterprise concerning financial and economic activity, personnel selection, legal work, consideration of the budget documentation, and also quality of expert production, territorial divisions RSE “Gosexpertiza” have been heard.
By results of industrial and financial and economic activity per 2007 it has been lead audition separate heads of branches RSE "Gosexpertiza".
The president of the center of certification «InterCert», professor Abdrahmanov A.A. has acquainted with results of certification of systems of a quality management in territorial divisions RSE “Gosexpertiza”
On results of meeting are taken the concrete measures directed on the further perfection of the gear of carrying out of state expert appraisal, increase of efficiency of financial activity RSE “Gosexpertiza” and his territorial divisions, escalating of personnel potential, introduction of modern information technologies and development of material base of the enterprise.